Ultima Online Archer Suit

Ultima Online Archer Suit
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$54.99 -

The suit listed here is for anyone running a archer template and needs a capable suit for running through bosses. Looking for a completed high-end UO Archer suit? Buy our Archer Suit for your Ultima Online Dexer and be able to beat anything down. These are fantastic suits that are usually made better than listed because our delivery time wants to make sure everyone is happy with their purchases. These suits are great for doing spawns and end boss content.
Please allow up to 24 hours for all suit delivery if we are swamped!
3 Mana Regeneration
2 Hit Point Regeneration
2 Stamina Regeneration
32 Mana Increase
45 Stamina Increase
23 Hit Point Increase
49% Lower Mana Cost
100% Damage Increase
20% Swing Speed Increase (25% With Town Buff)
45% Hit Chance Increase
20% Defense Chance Increase
28 Strength Bonus
5 Intelligence Bonus
25 Dexterity Bonus
5% Damage Eater
15% Poison Eater

Suggested Stats With Suit Equipped
150 Strength, 150 Dexterity, 15 Intelligence
142 HP, 196 Stamina, 47 Mana Human (67 Elf Suggested)

Artifacts Included
Gloves of Feudal Grip
Corgal's Sash
Ozymandias Obi
Jumus Sacred Hide
Mace and Shield Glasses
Shanty Waders
Totem of the Tribe
Shroud of the Condemned
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  • Availability: In Stock

We carry a UO Archer Suit Custom Suits for sale that can be picked up in Ultima Online.
Available on these shards:

Archer Suit spawn location?

What are the stats for Archer Suit?

3 Mana Regeneration 
2 Hit Point Regeneration 
2 Stamina Regeneration 
32 Mana Increase 
45 Stamina Increase 
23 Hit Point Increase 
49% Lower Mana Cost
100% Damage Increase 
20% Swing Speed Increase (25% With Town Buff)
45% Hit Chance Increase 
20% Defense Chance Increase 
28 Strength Bonus 
5 Intelligence Bonus 
25 Dexterity Bonus 
5% Damage Eater 
15% Poison Eater

Suggested Stats With Suit Equipped 
150 Strength, 150 Dexterity, 15 Intelligence 
142 HP, 196 Stamina, 47 Mana Human (67 Elf Suggested) 

Artifacts Included 
Gloves of Feudal Grip
Corgal's Sash
Ozymandias Obi 
Jumus Sacred Hide 
Mace and Shield Glasses 
Shanty Waders 
Totem of the Tribe 
Shroud of the Condemned 
Debit CardYou can checkout using a debit card. It will bring you to paypal but you can choose there to just pay with a card, no account.
PaypalPaying with paypal for your Ultima online items is very simple. Just checkout and when you get to paypal log in and pay.
BitcoinSend us a message in the live chat to get the deposit address and pay with bitcoin!
How To PickupStart a live chat with us at the bottom of page and give us some order details so that we can meet in-game and complete the purchase.

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Weight: 9 Stones
Hit Lightning 15%
Hit Cold Area 100%
Hit Mana Leech 30%
Hit Chance Increase 20%
Swing Speed Increase 25%
Damage Increase 50%
Cold Damage 100%
Weapon Damage 12 - 13
Weapon Speed 2.5s
Strength Requirement 45
One-Handed Weapon
Skill Required: Fencing
Durability: 255 / 255
UO Mark of Wildfire
Shard Bound
Mana Increase 10
Luck 250
Lower Mana Cost 10%
Lower Reagent Cost 25%
Physical Resist 15%
Fire Resist 15%
Cold Resist 15%
Poison Resist 15%
Energy Resist 15%
Strength Requirement 10
Durability: 255/255

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