Ultima Online Gloves Of The Archlich

Ultima Online Gloves Of The Archlich
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The Gloves of the Archlich are a highly sought-after item in Ultima Online, particularly among mage characters. These gloves were introduced during the "Treasures of the Archlich" event, which took place in the dungeon Deceit during Halloween 2022. This event was part of the "Publish 114" update and was similar to previous "Treasures Of" events where players could earn points by defeating monsters and then exchange those points for unique rewards.

The Gloves of the Archlich are designed to enhance a mage's capabilities significantly. They offer a range of powerful attributes including a 15% Fire Eater, which allows the wearer to absorb a portion of fire damage dealt to them. Additionally, they provide bonuses to strength and intelligence (+5 each), increased hit points (+5), and mana (+8), as well as regeneration boosts for both hit points and mana (+3 each). They also reduce mana costs by 10% and reagent costs by 20%, making spellcasting more efficient. The gloves are also notable for their balanced resistances, each at 15% for physical, fire, cold, poison, and energy. These properties make the Gloves of the Archlich an essential part of any mage's equipment set, particularly for those engaged in player versus player (PvP) combat.

These gloves are "Shard Bound," meaning they can only be used on the shard where they were acquired, preventing them from being transferred to other shards. This limitation adds to their rarity and value within their respective shards. Overall, the Gloves of the Archlich provide substantial benefits that enhance the effectiveness and survivability of mage characters in various combat scenarios.

These are the new mage gloves from the treasures of archlich event that happened in October. Every mage is now looking for gloves of the archlich to complete their suit. The regen and fire eater is a great for any mage especially PVP.

Shard Bound (Atlantic Only)
Fire Eater 15%
Strength Bonus 5
Intelligence Bonus 5
Hit Point Increase 5
Mana Increase 8
Hit Point Regeneration 3
Mana Regeneration 3
Lower Mana Cost 10%
Lower Reagent Cost 20%
Mage Armor
Physical Resist 15%
Fire Resist 15%
Cold Resist 15%
Poison Resist 15%
Energy Resist 15%
Durability 255/255
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  • Availability: In Stock

We carry a UO Gloves Of The Archlich Artifacts for sale that can be picked up in Ultima Online.
Available on these shards:

Gloves Of The Archlich spawn location?

Treasures Of The Archlich

What are the stats for Gloves Of The Archlich?

Shard Bound (Atlantic Only)
Fire Eater 15%
Strength Bonus 5
Intelligence Bonus 5
Hit Point Increase 5
Mana Increase 8
Hit Point Regeneration 3
Mana Regeneration 3
Lower Mana Cost 10%
Lower Reagent Cost 20%
Mage Armor
Physical Resist 15%
Fire Resist 15%
Cold Resist 15%
Poison Resist 15%
Energy Resist 15%
Durability 255/255 

What's the Gloves Of The Archlich drop rate in Ultima Online?

Debit CardYou can checkout using a debit card. It will bring you to paypal but you can choose there to just pay with a card, no account.
PaypalPaying with paypal for your Ultima online items is very simple. Just checkout and when you get to paypal log in and pay.
BitcoinSend us a message in the live chat to get the deposit address and pay with bitcoin!
How To PickupStart a live chat with us at the bottom of page and give us some order details so that we can meet in-game and complete the purchase.

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