Ultima Online Tabard Of The Fallen Paladin

Ultima Online Tabard Of The Fallen Paladin
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The Tabard of the Fallen Paladin is a unique item in Ultima Online, obtainable as a reward from the Treasures of the Archlich event. This event took place in the dungeon Deceit, where players earned points by defeating enemies. The Tabard costs 10 points and is notable for being shard-bound, meaning it cannot be transferred between different game shards. This tabard is equipped in the robe slot and has a weight of 3 stones with a minimal strength requirement of 10. Its design and rarity make it a desirable piece of equipment for players who participated in the event, adding both aesthetic and collector's value to their character's attire​

This is going to be a great transmog item for robe slots in the future. Turn your robe slot item into this one of a kind tabard.

Weight: 3 Stones
Shard Bound (Atlantic)
Strength Requirement 10
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  • Availability: In Stock

We carry a UO Tabard Of The Fallen Paladin Robes for sale that can be picked up in Ultima Online.
Available on these shards:

Tabard Of The Fallen Paladin spawn location?

Treasures Of The Archlich

What are the stats for Tabard Of The Fallen Paladin?

Weight: 3 Stones
Shard Bound (Atlantic)
Strength Requirement 10 

What's the Tabard Of The Fallen Paladin drop rate in Ultima Online?

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Shard Bound (Atlantic Only)
Weight: 5 Stones
Strength Bonus 5
Dexterity Bonus 5
Stamina Increase 10
Mana Increase 10
Hit Point Regeneration 4
Stamina Regeneration 4
Mana Regeneration 4
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Physical Resist 15%
Fire Resist 15%
Cold Resist 15%
Poison Resist 15%
Energy Resist 15%
Strength Requirement 80
Durability 255 / 255
UO Cowl Of The Archlich
Weight: 3 Stones
Shard Bound (Atlantic)
Fire Resist 3%
Cold Resist 5%
Poison Resist 8%
Energy Resist 8%
Strength Requirement 10
Durability: 21 / 21

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