Ultima Online Weald Codex

Ultima Online Weald Codex
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The Weald Codex in Ultima Online is a powerful spellbook introduced during the Treasures of Fey Wrath event. This item is highly prized for its significant enhancements to spellcasting abilities. It offers a substantial Spell Damage Increase of 50%, making spells much more effective in combat. Additionally, the Weald Codex provides Mana Regeneration 3, allowing for quicker recovery of mana, and Faster Casting 1, which reduces the delay between casting spells. The book also includes a 10% Lower Reagent Cost, reducing the amount of reagents needed for spellcasting. With 64 spells contained within, it is a comprehensive tool for any mage, and its shard-bound nature ensures it remains within the shard it was obtained from. The Weald Codex is blessed, adding another layer of utility for spellcasters in the game.

Shard Bound
Mana Regeneration 3
Spell Damage Increase 50%
Faster Casting 1
Lower Reagent Cost 10%
64 Spells
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  • Availability: In Stock

We carry a UO Weald Codex Shard Bound for sale that can be picked up in Ultima Online.
Available on these shards:

Weald Codex spawn location?

Limited time event in destard.

What are the stats for Weald Codex?

Shard Bound
Mana Regeneration 3
Spell Damage Increase 50%
Faster Casting 1
Lower Reagent Cost 10%
64 Spells 
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