Ultima Online Mushroom Cultivator's Apron

Ultima Online Mushroom Cultivator's Apron
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$19.85 -

The Cultivator's Apron in Ultima Online is a unique item primarily designed to benefit alchemists and potion crafters. This half apron, often referred to as the Mushroom Cultivator's Apron, provides a significant bonus to alchemy skill, increasing it by 10 points. Additionally, it enhances hit points by 5, offers a hit point regeneration of 2, and increases the potency of potions by 15%. With a strength requirement of just 10 and a weight of 2 stones, this apron is both lightweight and accessible. It is particularly useful for characters involved in potion crafting and those seeking additional resilience in battles​

The apron is shard bound and only available on Atlantic. Please msg the live chat if you are looking for one on another shard.

weight 2 stone
alchemy bonus +10
hit point increase 5
hit point regeneration 2
enhance Potions 15%
strength requirement 10
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  • Availability: In Stock

We carry a UO Mushroom Cultivator's Apron Belts Aprons for sale that can be picked up in Ultima Online.
Available on these shards:

Mushroom Cultivator's Apron spawn location?

Drops in Destard, during the Treasures of the Fey Wrath event.

What are the stats for Mushroom Cultivator's Apron?

weight 2 stone
alchemy bonus +10
hit point increase 5
hit point regeneration 2
enhance Potions 15%
strength requirement 10 

What's the Mushroom Cultivator's Apron drop rate in Ultima Online?

Debit CardYou can checkout using a debit card. It will bring you to paypal but you can choose there to just pay with a card, no account.
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How To PickupStart a live chat with us at the bottom of page and give us some order details so that we can meet in-game and complete the purchase.

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Weight: 1 Stone
Fey Slayer
Shard Bound
strength Bonus 1
Hit Point Regeneration 2
Hit Chance Increase 10%
Damage Increase 20%

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