Ultima Online Silver Serpent Venom x100

Ultima Online Silver Serpent Venom x100
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Lethal, rare, and highly sought after, Silver Serpent Venom is a potent toxin extracted from the fangs of Britannia’s most elusive and deadly serpents. This venom, known for its paralytic and corrosive properties, has found its way into both alchemical experiments and assassination plots, making it a valuable commodity among rogues, poisoners, and scholars of the dark arts. Harvesting it is no small feat, as Silver Serpents are swift and cunning predators, often striking before their presence is even detected. Those who dare to extract this substance must do so with caution, as a single mistake could turn the hunter into the hunted. Whether used to coat a deadly blade, enhance poisons, or study its mysterious composition, this venom remains one of the more infamous substances circulating within the underbelly of Britannia’s black markets.
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