Ultima Online 120 Throwing Power Scroll

Ultima Online 120 Throwing
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$1.49 -

The throwing power scroll is a cap increase meant to bring 120 for your throwing skills. 120 power scrolls are the highest level scroll you can get. Ultima Online's throwing power scrolls are the newest ranged combat skill added to the game and unfortunately only available to gargoyles. But throwing is great for still being able to hit monsters while they are far away and not have to run out of arrows, unlike archery because the weapon you throw always comes back to you.
Allow your character to gain skill beyond 100 all the way to 120 Throwing. Become the king of blade hurling. Ready to take out an unsuspecting enemy?
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  • Availability: In Stock

  • A 120 Throwing power scroll can be consumed only one time.
  • These power scrolls are cursed and can not be insured.
We carry a UO 120 Throwing Power Scrolls for sale that can be picked up in Ultima Online.
Available on these shards:

120 Throwing spawn location?


What are the stats for 120 Throwing?

UO Power Scroll - Throwing 

What's the 120 Throwing drop rate in Ultima Online?

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