Ultima Online Mastery Primer Parrying

Ultima Online Mastery Primer Parrying
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This mastery primer is only available on Atlantic shard at the moment. LEVEL 3 PRIMER The reason parrying primers are popular is because of the useful skills that can be used when it is activated. An Ultima Online parrying primer is the only way to unlock the special abilities associated with parrying. These can only be used on characters who have the time of legends expansion. Make sure you are aware of the fact that these primers are shard bound and can only be consumed once. After consuming the character learns these new abilities and add them to their masteries book. Single clicking the masteries' book will allow you to turn on the parrying primer.
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We carry a UO Mastery Primer Parrying Mastery Primers for sale that can be picked up in Ultima Online.
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Mastery Primer Parrying spawn location?


What are the stats for Mastery Primer Parrying?

Parry Primer for Masteries 

What's the Mastery Primer Parrying drop rate in Ultima Online?

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