Ultima Online Protector of the Battle Mage

Ultima Online Protector of the Battle Mage
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The protector of the battle mage is an item introduced into UO during the release of a new spawn called Primevil Liche. You can purchase the battle mage chest piece and we will deliver it to you. This protector of the battle mage is one of the few ways to add more spell damage increase using a chest slot item.
Weight: 6 Stones
Casting Focus 3%
Mana Regeneration 2
Spell Damage Increase 5%
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Lower Reagent Cost 10%
Physical Resist 10%
Fire Resist 16%
Cold Resist 10%
Poison Resist 8%
Energy Resist 8%
Strength Requirement 25
Durability: 255 / 255
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  • Availability: In Stock

We carry a UO Protector of the Battle Mage Artifacts for sale that can be picked up in Ultima Online.
Available on these shards:

Protector of the Battle Mage spawn location?

What are the stats for Protector of the Battle Mage?

Weight: 6 Stones
Casting Focus 3%
Mana Regeneration 2
Spell Damage Increase 5%
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Lower Reagent Cost 10%
Physical Resist 10%
Fire Resist 16%
Cold Resist 10%
Poison Resist 8%
Energy Resist 8%
Strength Requirement 25
Durability: 255 / 255 
Debit CardYou can checkout using a debit card. It will bring you to paypal but you can choose there to just pay with a card, no account.
PaypalPaying with paypal for your Ultima online items is very simple. Just checkout and when you get to paypal log in and pay.
BitcoinSend us a message in the live chat to get the deposit address and pay with bitcoin!
How To PickupStart a live chat with us at the bottom of page and give us some order details so that we can meet in-game and complete the purchase.

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Requires: High Seas
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