Ultima Online Auction Safe

Ultima Online Auction Safe
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The Auction Safe in Ultima Online is a house add-on that allows players to auction items within their homes. As a veteran reward, it provides a secure and convenient method for selling items to other players. The process involves placing the desired item into the safe, setting auction parameters such as minimum bid and duration, and then letting other players place bids. This system not only enables players to showcase their items but also facilitates higher sales than traditional vendor methods. The Auction Safe is a valuable tool for entrepreneurial players who want to run their own in-game auctions and manage sales efficiently.

The Auction Safe in Ultima Online is a valuable item for players who want to conduct auctions within their homes. Introduced as a veteran reward, it allows players to place items up for auction, displaying them prominently for other players to bid on. To set up an auction, the player selects an item from their backpack, ensuring it meets specific criteria, such as not being a container or exceeding a certain weight. The auction setup includes defining a starting bid and auction duration, and optionally a "Buy Now" price. Once the auction begins, it cannot be altered. Bidders must have sufficient funds in their accounts, which are deducted if their bid is the highest. Upon the auction's conclusion, the winning bidder has three days to claim the item, after which it reverts to the owner if unclaimed​

The Auction Safe enhances player interaction and commerce, allowing for competitive bidding and immediate notification of auction outcomes via in-game mail. The owner of the Auction Safe receives the payment immediately upon auction completion, and the safe can be reused for future auctions. The auction system ensures transparency and efficiency, as bidders receive notifications if they are outbid and get refunds if their bids are not successful. This functionality makes the Auction Safe a must-have for any Ultima Online entrepreneur looking to maximize their sales and create dynamic trading opportunities within the game
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  • Availability: In Stock

We carry a UO Auction Safe Veteran Rewards for sale that can be picked up in Ultima Online.
Available on these shards:

Auction Safe spawn location?

What are the stats for Auction Safe?

1st Year Veteran Reward 
Debit CardYou can checkout using a debit card. It will bring you to paypal but you can choose there to just pay with a card, no account.
PaypalPaying with paypal for your Ultima online items is very simple. Just checkout and when you get to paypal log in and pay.
BitcoinSend us a message in the live chat to get the deposit address and pay with bitcoin!
How To PickupStart a live chat with us at the bottom of page and give us some order details so that we can meet in-game and complete the purchase.

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