Ultima Online Dread Mare (old)

Ultima Online Dread Mare (old)
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These dread mares, also known as the dread war horse are untrained 3 slot ridable pets that are ready for you to customize and train up! You will be able to pick it skills the way you want and create the ultimate dread mare. Dreads are rarer than nightmares because they do not spawn in the game any longer. These dread mares usually come trained 5 slot. The untrained ones are much harder to find and much more expensive but I offer you an amazing deal here. When you say the word trick they do a special ability animation release black smoke clouds around it. When questioned, the game stated that these pets will never be reintroduced again reassuring they will remain rare and finite forever.
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We carry a UO Dread Mare (old) Pets for sale that can be picked up in Ultima Online.
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What's the Dread Mare (old) drop rate in Ultima Online?

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