Ultima Online 5.0 Musicianship Scroll of Transcendence

Ultima Online 5.0 Musicianship
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If you are making a bard you cannot do any of the barding skills without having music. The higher it is the more success change you will have. This SOT scroll is worth 5.0 musicianship skill points. Jump right into master barding by eating some scrolls of transcendence for musicianship skill.
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  • Availability: In Stock

  • A Scroll of Transcendence can be combined with other scrolls to make 5.0 skill points using a scroll binder.
  • If you eat more points than your cap allows the rest of the skill points are lost
We carry a UO 5.0 Musicianship SOT Scrolls for sale that can be picked up in Ultima Online.
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5.0 Musicianship spawn location?


What are the stats for 5.0 Musicianship?

Musicianship SOT 

What's the 5.0 Musicianship drop rate in Ultima Online?

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