Ultima Online 5.0 Fencing Scroll of Transcendence

Ultima Online 5.0 Fencing
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Fencing is important if you want to attack fast while still holding your defense. A fencing scroll of transcendence is a scroll that allows you to instantly and permanently add fencing skill points to your character. UO's fencing scrolls only come in three types: Alacrity, Power, and Transcendence. Quicking stab and slice your enemies with this UO 5.0 SOT scroll for fencing. Some people just start a character, eat a mythic token, power scrolls and the pink sots like fencing to max out skills instantly.
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  • Availability: In Stock

  • A Scroll of Transcendence can be combined with other scrolls to make 5.0 skill points using a scroll binder.
  • If you eat more points than your cap allows the rest of the skill points are lost
We carry a UO 5.0 Fencing SOT Scrolls for sale that can be picked up in Ultima Online.
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5.0 Fencing spawn location?


What are the stats for 5.0 Fencing?

Fencing SOT 

What's the 5.0 Fencing drop rate in Ultima Online?

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