Ultima Online Boomstick

Ultima Online Boomstick
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The Boomstick in Ultima Online is a magical artifact that serves as a powerful weapon for those proficient in mace fighting. This one-handed mace is especially notable for its ability to channel spells, making it a unique and versatile tool in combat. The Boomstick enhances the wielder's casting abilities while allowing them to engage in melee combat effectively. Its attributes include increased spell damage and faster spellcasting, which make it an excellent choice for hybrid spellcasters who need to be on the front lines. The weapon also boosts various elemental resistances, providing additional protection in battle.
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  • Availability: In Stock

We carry a UO Boomstick Weapons for sale that can be picked up in Ultima Online.
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What are the stats for Boomstick?


What's the Boomstick drop rate in Ultima Online?

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