Ultima Online Commodity Deed Box

Ultima Online Commodity Deed Box
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The Commodity Deed Box in Ultima Online is a valuable item, particularly as a first-year veteran reward introduced in 2008. This box allows players to manage and store large quantities of resources efficiently by converting them into weightless deeds. To use the Commodity Deed Box, players must secure it in their homes. Once secured, it enables the filling and redeeming of commodity deeds, which can be purchased from NPC bankers. This system facilitates the transport of bulk resources without the usual encumbrance associated with carrying heavy items.

In addition to its primary function, the Commodity Deed Box can also serve as a standard storage container for various items. Unlike other containers, it is unique in that it cannot be destroyed with an axe once placed in a house, adding an extra layer of security for stored goods. Players can personalize the box using furniture dye tubs and engrave it with a wooden container engraving tool, enhancing both its functionality and aesthetic appeal. Overall, the Commodity Deed Box is a practical and versatile item that significantly eases resource management for Ultima Online players.

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We carry a UO Commodity Deed Box Veteran Rewards for sale that can be picked up in Ultima Online.
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Veteran Reward

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1st Year Veteran Reward 
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