Ultima Online Corsair's Insignia Shard Bound

Ultima Online Corsair's Insignia Shard Bound
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The Corsair's Insignia in Ultima Online is a talisman introduced as a reward in the Shrouded Sails event. This item provides several valuable bonuses, making it highly sought after by players. Specifically, it offers a strength bonus of +1, hit point regeneration of +2, a hit chance increase of 10%, and a damage increase of 20%. These attributes collectively enhance a player's combat effectiveness, particularly in melee engagements. The talisman is also notable for its Repond Slayer property, which deals extra damage to certain types of creatures, including cyclopean warriors, evil mages, titans, and various types of goblins and ratmen, making it particularly useful in battles against these foes.

The Corsair's Insignia is designed to help adventurers tackle tougher enemies by increasing their overall survivability and damage output. Its hit point regeneration helps in maintaining health during prolonged battles, while the hit chance increase and damage boost significantly enhance offensive capabilities. Given its specific slayer properties, it is especially effective for characters focusing on hunting specific enemy types, providing a strategic advantage in targeted combat scenarios. The talisman does not affect spell damage, which makes it more suited for melee and ranged fighters than for spellcasters.

Repond Slayer
Strength Bonus 1
Hit Point Regeneration 2
Hit Chance Increase 10%
Damage Increase 20%
Durability 255/255
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We carry a UO Corsair's Insignia Shard Bound Shard Bound for sale that can be picked up in Ultima Online.
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What are the stats for Corsair's Insignia Shard Bound?

Repond Slayer
Strength Bonus 1
Hit Point Regeneration 2
Hit Chance Increase 10%
Damage Increase 20%
Durability 255/255 

What's the Corsair's Insignia Shard Bound drop rate in Ultima Online?

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